Thursday, February 9, 2012


Home Page

Welcome to my blog! Save our Salmon friends is a place where one may come to quickly brush up on salmon conservation issues in the Pacific Northwest (PNW). It is currently under construction and will remain up as a work in progress. If you have any helpful critiques or suggestions, feel free to comment where appropriate. Thanks for exploring!


  1. If you use numbers for references rather than asterisk, it would be a lot less confusing.
    The background is very helpful but not particularly scientific. Look more into management plans and the details of what these are, so that you can describe the pictures that you put up. I love that you put up art and recipes, but these are just bonuses. Remember to add your own conclusions maybe look into what management plans are most successful and add a graph of this data.

  2. I love the title of your blog. It makes me want to read more and is very catchy. The color and layout is clear, and goes with your topic so visually I feel like you are on the right track.

    Jamie McAllister
